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UltiRequiem’s JavaScript Modules

Hi everyone 👋

I’m Eliaz, a Peruvian Software Developer who loves creating Open Source.

Add Query Params

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Code Coverage Deno Doc

Add Query Parameters to an URL.

import { addParams } from "";

addParams("", { page: 33, author: "Me", share: false });

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Code Coverage Deno Doc

Generate a Google Drive direct download link based on the URL or ID.

import { driveLink } from "";

//=> ""

Camel Case

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Code Coverage Deno Doc

Convert a dash/dot/underscore/space separated string to camelCase or PascalCase.

import { camelcase } from "";

camelCase("foo-bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("foo_bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("Foo-Bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("розовый_пушистый_единорог"); //=> 'розовыйПушистыйЕдинорог'

camelCase("Foo-Bar", { pascalCase: true }); //=> 'FooBar'

camelCase("", { pascalCase: false }); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase("Foo-BAR", { preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true }); //=> 'fooBAR'

camelCase("fooBAR", { pascalCase: true, preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true }); //=> 'FooBAR'

camelCase("foo bar"); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase(["foo", "bar"]); //=> 'fooBar'

camelCase(["__foo__", "--bar"], { pascalCase: true }); //=> 'FooBar'

camelCase(["foo", "BAR"], {
  pascalCase: true,
  preserveConsecutiveUppercase: true,
}); //=> 'FooBAR'

camelCase("lorem-ipsum", { locale: "en-US" }); //=> 'loremIpsum'

Last Item

Code Coverage Deno Doc

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Get the last item of an array, faster than Array.prototype.slice/

import { lastItem } from "";

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

lastItem(numbers); //=> 5

lastItem(numbers, 3); //=> [3, 4 , 5]


Code Coverage Deno Docs

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Compute the Fibonacci Succession and NTH Fibonacci Number.

import {
} from "";

fibonacci(10); //=> 55

fibonacci(5); //=> 5

// First 10 Fibonacci Numbers
for (const fiboNumber of fibonacciSequence(9)) {

console.log(`My favorites numbers are ${[...fibonacciSequence(3)]}.`);


All these modules are licensed by the MIT License 📄