package lorelai
import (
// Get a random Domain
func Domain() string {
return trimSpaceAddDot(LoremWords(1)) + TLDS[rand.Intn(len(TLDS))]
// Get a random URL
func URL() string {
return "https://" + Domain()
// Get a random email
func Email() string {
return strings.TrimSpace(LoremWords(1)) + "@" + Domain()
// Provides Random Lorem Ipsum, and other utilities.
package lorelai
import (
var rng = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
// Get [quantity] words
func LoremWords(quantity int) string {
lorem := ""
for i := 0; i < quantity; i++ {
lorem += DATA[rng.Intn(1100)] + " "
}return lorem
// Get [quantity] words, the first word is capitalized, ends with a dot.
func FormattedLoremWords(quantity int) string {
return formatWords(LoremWords(quantity))
// Get a single word
func Word() string {
word := LoremWords(1)
return strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToTitle(word))
func Tittle() string {
return strings.ToTitle(LoremWords(1))
// Get a sentence, with the first word capitalized, of eight words that ends with a dot.
func Sentence() string {
return formatWords(LoremWords(8))
// Get a paragraph, with the first word capitalized, of forty five words that ends with a dot.
func Paragraph() string {
return formatWords(LoremWords(45))
package lorelai
import "strings"
func capitalizeFirstWord(text string) string {
if len(text) == 0 {
return text
}return strings.ToUpper(text[:1]) + text[1:]
// Trim spaces and adds a dot at the end.
func formatWords(textToFormat string) string {
return trimSpaceAddDot(capitalizeFirstWord(textToFormat))
func trimSpaceAddDot(text string) string {
return strings.TrimSpace(text) + "."